5 ⭐️ all round! The seller was very prompt in responding to questions & Chrono24 provided very timely shipping progress updates. Despite a couple of surprise delays at the customs, I actually received my watch a day early. Packaging was excellent and the watch is every bit as beautiful as I had expected and exactly as seen in the listing pictures. Definitely would buy on Chrono24 & from this seller again. Have a great IPO, Chrono24!
German&English Review:
Echte Meinung!
Ich würde jederzeit wieder eine Uhr bei SwissOnly bestellen.
Die Kommunikation über den Chat von Chrono24 lief super ab. Es wurde sehr zügig und sogar an Feiertagen geantwortet.
Auf meine Wusch mehr von der Uhr zu sehen, erhielt ich ein extrem professionelles Video welches die Uhr im Detail gezeigt hat.
Zudem wurde sofort auf meinen Wunsch, die Uhr nochmals polieren zu lassen, eingegangen und perfekt umgesetzt, Sie kam in einem neuwertigen Zustand bei mir an.
Real Opinion!
I would order a watch from SwissOnly again at any time.
The communication via the Chrono24 chat went really well. They answered very quickly and even on public holidays.
When I asked to see more of the watch, I received an extremely professional video showing the watch in detail.
In addition, my request to have the watch polished again was immediately accepted and implemented perfectly. It arrived in mint condition.
Excellent service again!
This was my second watch I bought from SwissOnly. Communication was perfectly quick and very welcoming. The watch looked even better in person - 100% recommending this seller.
Looking forward to my next purchase!
Seriöser Anbieter, obwohl ich erst überlegt habe, ob man tatsächlich aus Litauen bestellen sollte. Einziges Manko: Anleitung und Garantiekarte fehlten zu der Uhr, obwohl von einem Full-Set gesprochen wurde. Sonst alles gut und empfehlenswert.
Great experience overall. The watch was in excellent condition, exactly matching the photographs. The Seller responded to my offer quickly even over a weekend, and I received the watch a couple days earlier than I'd expected when making the purchase. Hassle-free great experience, I would happily buy from them again in the future.